Art: October 2008 Archives

I've seen 3 good shows with graphite drawings in Chelsea the last week. Here is a short post with images and links before I head off to Savannah for the week. Go see them all!


Eric Beltz, Keep the Hammer Busy
Graphite on paper
11 × 9 inches

Eric Beitz at Morgan Lehman Gallery. Good old American weirdness. A 2-person show with him and Sarah Peters would be interesting.


Rob Matthews, The Artist's Grandfather (Ray), 2008
graphite on paper
7 inches diameter on 9×9 inches paper

Rob Matthews at Daniel Cooney Fine Art. Sweet small graphite drawings of family members holding objects that are important to them. He was also in The Blogger Show.


Paolo Arao, Daniel, 2008
graphite on paper
5.75 × 4.375 inches

Paolo Arao at Jeff Bailey Gallery. A show with a sexy mix of big and intimate themes. His Study for a Devotional Object was probably my favorite work in the show, but it needs to be seen in person so I chose another image I liked for this post.


Andrew Piedilato, Tick Ordering a Cappuccino, 2008
Intaglio with hand additions in watercolor, ink, and/or graphite on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper
Image Size: 19 ¾ x 15 ¾ inches
Paper Size: 25 × 20 ¼ inches
Edition of 19 signed and numbered works

For those of you who have read about Andy's paintings via James or me but are not sure how to fit nearly 12 × 12 feet canvases into your apartment, you have a new opportunity! He recently created his first print with artist Randy Wray's Element Editions. Not only is it more apartment-sized, you can have one for only $450!

This page is an archive of entries in the Art category from October 2008.

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