Art: February 2010 Archives


One of the reasons that has been so quiet lately is that I've been working on a few web projects including our new collection web site. The installation view above was taken by the lovely and talented Fette, and there are more images on our site from her.

This Saturday, February 27, at 6pm, James and I will be participating on a panel at Winkleman Gallery that we organized called "Collecting with your eye not your ears" as part of the William Powhida / Jennifer Dalton project #class. Please join us.


Dan Perjovschi, one postcard from Postcards from the World (North America), 2009, ink and marker on paper, 4 × 6 inches, via Lombard-Freid Projects

This is one of hundreds (thousands?) of postcards from Dan Perjovschi's show at Lombard-Freid Projects, closing February 20. Don't miss it.



The show is closed, but I wanted to put up a couple of photos I took on the last day of the installation Drippy by Ben Godward and Famous Accountants (Ellen Letcher and Kevin Regan), all of whom I met via the wonder that was/is Pocket Utopia. The "dripping blood" on the walls is by Famous Accountants, and the site-specific sculpture in the middle is by Ben Godward.

Visit my flickr set for more images.

This page is an archive of entries in the Art category from February 2010.

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