Culture: December 2002 Archives

I haven't really found other blogs, other than Andy's Chest, that talk about art, theatre, and other cultural goings-on in NYC with any regularity. Some of the art people I know have blogs, but don't like to mix their blogging with their "areas of business".

Send me some suggestions! I'm looking for others to give me recommendations on art galleries, books, theatre, music, etc. I can't do it all myself.

Non-NYC ones are OK too.

From the NY Times Science section, a very interesting article on why religion 'evolved' in human societies.

Dana Schutz at LFL Gallery -- no pressure to buy, since they're all sold.

Andy Warhol Still Lifes at Paul Kasmin -- no pressure to buy, since you can't afford them.

Caryl Churchill's latest play, "Far Away," is at New York Theater Workshop, and it's brilliant. I don't feel like I can write a good review of it, but the people that call it a "tiny epic" are correct. It's about an hour long, but it has more substance than most plays I've seen lately. Frances McDormand is brilliant, as are the other members of the cast. The equally fabulous Kathleen Chalfant will take over in McDormand's role soon. The sexy Chris Messina, last seen (by us at least) in "This Thing of Darkness," by Craig Lucas and David Schulner, also stars.

I know most of my friends in NY don't have a lot of money to spend on culture, so check out the "Cheap Tickets" link at the top of the NYTW site for information on rush tickets or ushering.

NY Times review


Tonight we saw Mac Wellman's "Antigone" at Dance Theater Workshop, a collaboration with Annie-B Parson. It's great fun, and it was one of the most beautiful -- visually, musically, and verbally -- evenings of theatre I've had in years. The cast is awesome, and the music and sound design are by Cynthia Hopkins. The Village Voice review seems pretty fair to me.

In honor of my friend Jonathan, I present The Wau Wau Sisters' cover of "C'mon Feel the Noise!"

MP3 (3MB)

Now he owes me the pictures of him in an S&M/Leather production of a Jean Genet play in grad school.

Moving Pictures and Bill Viola at the Guggenheim

Group show at Massimo Audiello -- in the 526 West 26th St. building

Joyce Pensato at Elga Wimmer -- same building

K48 show -- same building -- photo

Apex is doing a cool thing -- a different show every day. I recommend Charles Goldman on Dec. 12. We went to see Dean Daderko's curation, featuring our friend Nancy Hwang, on Saturday:


For more info on the Charles Goldman event on Dec. 12, click MORE.

I'm going to the White Columns and Schroeder Romero openings tonight. I should be at the latter (in Williamsburg) at 8ish. E-mail me or call me if any of you want to meet up there.

The Evolutionary Control Committee ... have topped themselves with this stroke of genius. It's months worth of Dan Rather speaking on the CBS Evening News, edited down to its essence -- Rather naming one calamity after another ... and set to a cut up and rearranged AC/DC groove. ... This could easily be cute and nothing more, but the ECC has made it an actual song... The B-side has a very long string of Rather disasterspeak on its own. Mix your own hit! -- College Music Journal (CMJ), 8/98

Go and download it right now!

I get regular emails of poetry from RealPoetik. They don't put the stuff they send out on the web right away, so I'll post the latest one, from Stacie Barrie:

I Sold You, You Sold Me
(a poem in Newspeak)

From the age of pavement
From the age of split seconds I salute:
Not files
Not papers
Not pictures
No need
No mini
No maxi
No need
Minus time
Minus space
Plus persons
Plus statues
Plus corporations undead
Freeway, landfill, proving grounds
Newthink bellyfeels prolefeed
Old behind
Old below
Oldthink always new
Victory is apathy


A couple more, found while researching her on the web:

Outskirts, by Stacie Barry

Jesus in the Psych Ward, by Richard Jordan

untitled, by Sal Salasin

One of our works by Tracey is up at her show at The Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago. I can't find an image of our work -- probably too "explicit", but I found an interview and some images.

This should be great tonight, but I also expect it to be a zoo. Who puts a big group show with lots of sexy people on the 10th floor of a building?!

I'm giving you the whole press release, since I can't find a link that has all of the information.

John Connelly Presents:
K48-3: Teenage Rebel -- The Bedroom Show
Curated by Scott Hug

526 W 26th Street, Suite 1023
New York, NY 10001

Exhibit Dates: December 3, 2002 - January 19, 2003
Opening: Tues, December 3, 6 - 9 pm
Gallery Hours: Tues - Sat, 11am - 6pm

Run, do not walk, to Winterreise at John Jay. I'm too tired from fixing Jim's computer to post more right now, but it was one of the best evenings of singing/dance/Gesamtkunstwerk I have ever seen, featuring Schubert's Winterreise, Trisha Brown's choreography, Jennifer Tipton's lighting, Pedja Muzijevic's accompaniment, and the singing (and dancing!) talents of Simon Keenlyside:



Read James's report too.

This page is an archive of entries in the Culture category from December 2002.

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