Culture: May 2007 Archives

June 1

Jonathan VanDyke

The artist Austin Thomas is having an opening for her new gallery space, called Pocket Utopia (site coming soon) just off the Morgan L Stop, featuring a site-specific installation by Jonathan VanDyke titled The Salon of the Covered Bride.



Friends Felicia Ballos and Michael Mahalchick are among the performers in the Movement Research Festival presentation of Populous by AUNTS at Judson Church at Washington Square:

Friday June 1, 7:30pm & 9pm, $8 suggested – Judson Memorial Church Gym
Like varieties of a species in a zoo, Populous is the controlled manage- ment of nine separate but simultaneous performances. The edges of the space are parceled off for each performance, delineated by markings on the floor, with a space in the center of the room for the audience. Each performance is allowed unlimited construction of movement, sound, light, and energy within its parcel. Visit: Ana Keilson. Liz Santoro. Juan Adley. Felicia Ballos. Jacqueline Fritz. Christine Elmo a.k.a. Andy’s MoM. Jennifer Rosenblit. Michael Mahalchick. Ede Thurrell.


June 2


Frankie Martin will be performing "frankfurter freakout" from 3-6pm at John Connelly Presents as part of the AVAF (Assume Vivid Astro Focus) installation.

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