Culture: June 2008 Archives


1. Listen to David Behrman. [If you're using a feed reader to see this, you may not see the music widget below.]

2. Go see Half of the People Are Stoned and the Other Half Are Waiting for the Next Election in Brooklyn, July 1 at 8pm. The title of the evening comes from the text of Leonard Bernstein's Mass.

"He loves you, and he needs money!"

"Results like this do not belong on the resumé of a supreme being."

[click here if you don't see the video above]




Saturday and Sunday

I just found this great podcast via googling for Elliott Durko Lynch. The April 6 episode is amazing. The story about New Orleans by Rik Reppe (roughly 20 minutes in) made me cry.

Radio All Stars Podcast

This page is an archive of entries in the Culture category from June 2008.

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