Culture: November 2009 Archives

All decent people should run away from home. -- Fritz Lang, 1975

I heard this quote in a fascinating interview with Fritz Lang by William Friedkin last night, from the bonus disc to The Criterion Collection's excellent release of "M."

Gentrification pushing out artists has a long history in New York. Via the New York Times:


A 1921 cartoon, courtesy of Duke University, shows a displaced artist walking past Vincent Pepe, an Italian-born real estate entrepreneur, and two rich clients in search of a Village home.

Apparently, I'm quite behind for just now hearing about this. I'm impressed that Ukraine's Got Talent would have a performer who does Robin Rhode/William Kentridge-esque animation with sand about the Nazi invasion of her country.

Update: There is a FAQ for the video! Thanks, Marc Shifflett.

This page is an archive of entries in the Culture category from November 2009.

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