General: March 2003 Archives

I won't be posting much for a few days. Mom arrived today for a visit, and we're busy having fun. While walking around Chelsea this afternoon we spotted Tony Kushner eating at Le Gamin on Ninth Avenue. Mom saw Angels in America at Arkansas Rep, so I had to stop and point him out. We also went to see the Douglas Gordon video works at Gagosian:




I haven't had time to post it, but the night before the El Niño debacle I saw a brilliant music/theater work by Heiner Göbbels work at BAM called Hashirigaki. Go read Flying Vicar's take on it -- including photos. While you're there, do not miss the essay titled What is art for? by Jeanette Winterston.

While reading some of the blogs linked to in my general links I'm reminded of this Boondocks.

I think you know who you are.

This page is an archive of entries in the General category from March 2003.

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