Image: June 2007 Archives

Paula Cooper - Tax Evasion


This bit of street art seems to be a trend in Chelsea. See also: this photo from Michael Mandiberg.

Brought to you by the letter A

black flag

Black Flag at the Fireman's Hall in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. June 14, 1985. Henry was all giggly excited about his new back tattoo. Malcolm Tent tells me that Richard made the flag banner.

Click on the image to see more photos by Margaret Griffis.

[via Global Warming Your Cold Heart]

Buy Art

Taken on the roof of the excellent party for Paige West's new book.



Spotted at La Granja de San Ildefonso, only 34 miles north of Madrid.

This page is an archive of entries in the Image category from June 2007.

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