Linkage: March 2007 Archives

Sorry for the lack of posting. I'm finally starting to recover from the art fair cold/flu thing.

  • Dave Greenblatt, a collector I met via Bill Arning, has started a new blog with a focus on collecting for those without tons of money, including of lot of information on great multiples and editions. I hear he is even working on publishing a set with a group of interesting artists.
  • DUC is one of my favorite charities: "The Distribution to Underserved Communities Library Program (DUC) distributes books on contemporary art and culture free of charge to rural and inner-city libraries, schools and alternative reading centers nationwide." Their website has a video of Chuck Close talking about the program. It was started by the late great Bill Bartman of Art Resources Transfer.

This page is an archive of entries in the Linkage category from March 2007.

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