Linkage: June 2008 Archives

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  • Family of faggot fans fly the flag - "A West Midlands family is playing a central role in the quest to raise the profile of a forgotten British dish - faggots. The Doody family from Wolverhampton has been crowned The Faggot Family in a national competition, and to kick off their reign they will launch National Faggot Week." For those not in the know, faggots are a kind of meatball. Via The House Next Door.
  • Your moment of Mr. Sparklepants

Bonus photo: one half of Andrew Andrew spotted in the wild:

Found Art (Soho): Unmonumental 58

Found Art (Soho): Unmonumental 58 by Joy Garnett

aurora robson

Aurora Robson, photo by Hrag Vartanian

  • The New York Yankees have decided that $940 million in (legally dicey) tax-exempt bonds they have been given already are insufficient and now want an additional $350 million. Nice priorities, public sector! $2 billion a year in public subsidies for sports team isn't quite enough? Meanwhile, the New York City Housing Authority is raising rents and cutting back programs due to falling tax revenues.
  • Happy Loving Day to everyone! quote: "Mrs. Loving stopped giving interviews, but last year issued a statement on the 40th anniversary of the announcement of the Supreme Court ruling, urging that gay men and lesbians be allowed to marry."

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