Music: February 2007 Archives

Who knew that Chelsea had a pretty good symphony? James and I attended a concert of the Chelsea Symphony last night and really enjoyed it. The program consisted of a world premiere(!) of a work by Francesco Lecce-Chong, the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto, and Brahms's Symphony No. 3. We didn't know what to expect, but the performances were very good, and it's wonderful to be able to attend a concert a block and a half from our apartment! I also really appreciate the fact that the members play several roles -- the composer is a violist, and the two conductors (one for each half of the program) were in the orchestra when they weren't conducting.

The poster for the current show, and the program, feature a detail of a painting by our good friend and neighbor Louise Fishman.

This page is an archive of entries in the Music category from February 2007.

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