NYC: September 2006 Archives

James and I walked around DUMBO and Vinegar Hill today. In addition to seeing some great buildings, we also saw two interesting art shows:

Note: If you have trouble with the flash slideshow above, or prefer something less flash-y, the photo set of Vinegar Hill is here.

What is this crosswalk of which you speak?

What is this crosswalk of which you speak?

A big percentage of NYPD officers live outside of the city. They probably don't know why it matters when they block a crosswalk for 15 minutes to talk to someone on the sidewalk. There was even enough space to back up and not block it when I first walked by.

Does anyone know an up-to-date source on the percentage that live in the city? I see a 1997 estimate of 45%.

These two photos represent the center points of the two halves of Stuyvesant Park Our late friend Rex Wasserman was in charge of the restoration. He would not be pleased by the ugly dog run in one half of the park. Nice accompaniment to the flag pole, huh?

Ugly dog run at Stuyvensant Park

Stuyvesant Park

Related: my flickr set.

This page is an archive of entries in the NYC category from September 2006.

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