NYC: November 2009 Archives

Gentrification pushing out artists has a long history in New York. Via the New York Times:


A 1921 cartoon, courtesy of Duke University, shows a displaced artist walking past Vincent Pepe, an Italian-born real estate entrepreneur, and two rich clients in search of a Village home.


I'm glad the World Series is over so I can stop hearing about it. Here are some data points:

  • Estimated total cost of public subsidies to the Yankees for the new stadium: $1.8 billion.
  • The city turned over a Bronx park to the Yankees to build their new stadium in 2006, kicking out the kids who played there. They're now expecting it to be replaced in 2011. The high school that lost its playing field has been offered $37,500 by the Yankees to buy a bus so they can play their games in convenient locales such as Staten Island.
  • In May, New York City's Education Department announced a $405 million cut, an average of 4.9% per school.
  • School budget cuts are wiping out entire departments, with art classes and programs for at-risk students disappearing fastest, according to the Daily News.

[image via University of Nebraska Press]

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