Politics: May 2008 Archives

Via Eyeteeth I learned about the My Yard Our Message project in honor of the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis.

As a stark counterpoint to the "scripted democracy" of this fall's GOP nominating convention, a project by mnartists.org, the Walker Art Center and the UnConvention is inviting people of all political stripes and artistic abilities to create yard signs to coincide with the RNC -- and, fittingly, the 50 designs getting the most online votes will be produced and distributed around the Twin Cities and near the convention site.

Here are two of my favorites.


by awesome designer Andy Pressman


by Barry McMahon

So, if Barack Obama says Auschwitz when he meant Buchenwald it's a major story.

When wacko Senator Joe Lieberman agrees to be the headline speaker at an event of evangelical Christians headed by an equally crazy man who says the Holocaust was the will of God (to get Jews to move to Palestine and help bring on the end times at which point they all get converted), the story is confined to progressive blogs such as Sadly, No!.

Yes, there are stories appearing in the media now about this, but it's not a top story on any news website I've seen, e.g., CNN.

susan c. dessel lbif

James and I were very proud to have Susan C. Dessel's work in the show we curated in 2006 at Dam, Stuhltrager. Now that work has had a second chance to be seen, at the Long Beach Island Foundation for Arts & Sciences, but the people that run it have chosen to put walls around it and warn people that it may "offend." See James's post for more information.

People don't seem to be too outraged that torture is committed in our name by our elected government, but they can certainly be upset by an artwork that might remind them of a world that's not as perfect as they would like to pretend.

Lovely words from Hillary Clinton, via AMERICAblog. That sequence of "hard-working Americans, white Americans" is a gem.

This from today's USA Today:

"I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on," she said in an interview with USA TODAY. As evidence, Clinton cited an Associated Press article "that found how Sen. Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me."

"There's a pattern emerging here," she said.

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