Postcard: September 2006 Archives

Jim Kempner Fine Art, 23rd and Eighth Ave


The work in the window is

The Memory of Truth, 2003
Digital print on Duratrans
96 × 113 inches

It is part of a show curated by Marshall Reese titled The Medium is the Message.

They also did the ice sculpture I photographed in April at the same gallery.


Ligorano / Reese, The State of Things

The State of Things

Robert Melee chandelier at Andrew Kreps Gallery


This hangs above the desks in the office.

Wanda Raimundi-Ortiz at Exit Art

Wanda Raimundi-Ortiz at Exit Art

Wanda Raimundi-Ortiz at Exit Art

Chuleta's Rampage (From the series Who is Wepa Woman?), 2006
Latex on Wall

From the (now closed) Wild Girls show at Exit Art. The lighting was bad, so I did what I could to make these presentable. For those who asked, no I didn't change the JPEGs to black and white.

She is also in a show at Ironworks in the Bronx titled Comics and Sequentials.

This page is an archive of entries in the Postcard category from September 2006.

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