Postcard: June 2007 Archives

peter corrie legaleagle


A new image from Peter Corrie, found in his flickr feed. He was in the show we curated last fall.

LoVid at David Krut


LoVid at David Krut (detail)


Here are another couple of images from the Renee Ricardo-curated show I mentioned yesterday. The works are created by printing out stills of videos produced by visualizing audio information, then cutting them up and making collage/sculpture works.

Doug Morris at David Krut


Doug Morris at David Krut


A full image and a detail of a Doug Morris foam and ribbon sculpture from "Homegrown" at David Krut Projects, curated by Renee Riccardo. Good light that day -- these photos were untouched by Photoshop.


I stumbled across this on flickr and liked it.

This page is an archive of entries in the Postcard category from June 2007.

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