Postcard: July 2007 Archives


Nicole Eisenman, Little Boy Walking Big Dog, 2007, Oil paint and mixed media on wood, 17 × 18.5 inches


I loved this sculpture/painting we saw at Smith-Stewart's show titled She was born to be my unicorn. The curator Amy Kellner describes it as the flipside of the Bob Nickas "cute boy energy" show at Team in 2003, my people were fair and had cum in their hair (but now they're content to spray stars from your boughs). I also really liked the papillon ink and watercolor piece by J Penry, who is in a 3-person show opening Friday at V&A on the Lower East Side.

Sorry for the lack of posting. It's been too hot to think, and I'm working on some new things for ArtCat and ArtCal.

This page is an archive of entries in the Postcard category from July 2007.

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