Pretty: June 2002 Archives

Inspired by Sam, I located the video of Paul Lombardi in his sleeveless t-shirt covering the "Opening of the Pools" in NYC.

My friends Charles and Ray (not to be confused with Charles Ray) took some rather interesting pictures (scroll down to the bottom) of riot police in Vienna preparing for a rightist march.

Courtesy of Zoomata - video of a fashion shoot with Azzurri, the Italian soccer team.

Or maybe this will get me to pay attention, at least to the end of a game.

Nude farmers creating stir in Sweden

A calendar featuring nude farmers armed with pitchforks, shovels and wheelbarrows is creating a stir in Swedish agriculture circles.

A national farming organization, which presented a similar, hugely successful, calendar last year, is worried that the new version made by a local group of farmers could defeat the purpose of the original calendar.

"They're surfing on our wave of success," said Ann Linden, one of the creators of the national 2002 calendar.

Linden said the first version, featuring waist-up, black-and-white photographs of nude, young farmers in farm settings, was designed to change the image of Swedish farmers as "grumpy old men with hats."

Linden said her poster boys were "attractive guys about 25-30 years old, who breed chickens, cattle or work in forestry."

This page is an archive of entries in the Pretty category from June 2002.

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