Queer: March 2003 Archives

Speaking of queer culture, while getting the demo photos from my camera, I realized I had two good photos of Kiki from the March 3 performance. She really is a performance goddess.



James and I spent a couple of hours with some smart queer activists talking about anti-war activism that doesn't involve a laundry list of other issues, or worrying about being polite: exactly the people I need to be around right now.

If you want to join us for the 5pm rally -- whichever day it is -- or the one on Saturday, send me an email or call me.

Here is what James had to say about it.


I've just added a new category to my blog: War.

ACLU Warns Arkansas School to Stop Persecuting Gay Student:

JACKSONVILLE, AR -- The American Civil Liberties Union is challenging officials at Jacksonville Junior High School over repeated punishment of a 14-year-old student for being openly gay. In a letter to school officials sent today, the ACLU demanded that the school stop violating the student's rights and remove all unconstitutional disciplinary actions taken against him from his record by March 21 or face legal action.

In its letter, the ACLU said that school officials "outed" the gay student, Thomas McLaughlin, to his parents against his wishes and have since told him he must not discuss being gay while at school, forced him to read from the Bible and disciplined him for being open about his sexual orientation.



Update from my friends at the ACLU. You can send supportive emails to Thomas via safeschools@aclu.org.

ACT UP has photos and a statement from its protest of Roche's new drug Fuzeon's cost: $25,000 per year.

A few more photos may be found here.

This page is an archive of entries in the Queer category from March 2003.

previous archive: Queer: February 2003

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