Queer: August 2003 Archives

I posted a version of this in the comments on a friend's web log:

I think the thing people need to realize is that the people that end up at Harvey Milk are, as the administrators put it, ones "with a history." These are generally kids that have reached the point of being physically hurt, kicked out of their homes, etc. These aren't kids with a lot of options. In a perfect world we wouldn't need such schools, but to say that it is the duty of these vulnerable kids to change the world while those of us who are more privileged wait for a more pure solution is offensive. I am reminded of the idea that it is not the job of the oppressed to educate their oppressors.

Go read James's post on the subject. I think it's one of the best things he has ever written for his weblog.

For some statistics on gay youth and education, check out this PFLAG page.


Updated: Also see Steve Gilliard's post at Daily Kos.

Not only does Ireland allow homos to march in their St. Patrick's Day parades (unlike the one in NYC), the Irish government is now warning priests that they are subject to prosecution if they distribute the Vatican's anti-gay marriage document:

(Dublin) Priests and bishops are being warned by the Irish government that they face charges if they distribute the Vatican's denouncement of gay marriage.

The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) said Friday that priests who quote sections of the document, hand it out, or send it to politicians or other citizens could be prosecuted under Ireland's strict incitement to hatred legislation.

The 12 page document released this week in seven languages describes gay marriage as "evil" and says "legal recognition of homosexual unions or placing them on the same level as marriage would mean not only the approval of deviant behavior." It also says that "Allowing children to be adopted by persons living in such unions would actually mean doing violence to these children.

That reminds me of something else. This document is coming from the Vatican's "Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith". I think all articles referring to this office need to refer to its previous name: The Roman Inquisition.

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