Technology: March 2006 Archives

I've just launched a new gallery site running on the ArtCat system:


Thomas Robertello Gallery (Chicago)

To give you a feel for how flexible my hosting system can be, both that and


Foxy Production

are running the same software, with minor changes to HTML, CSS, and a bit of Flash in the case of Foxy Production.

Sorry to be commercial here, but I wanted to announce that the sites I host on ArtCat (see clients list) now have RSS feeds. As the galleries and artists add news items, or works (artists) or exhibitions (galleries), you'll see new info in the feed.

What's RSS you ask? This is a good link that explains it. I use RSS feeds and to keep up with 98 different web sites -- mostly blogs.

I couldn't fine one, so I started a public Flickr Group for 2006 Biennial photos. Please add your photos to it.

This page is an archive of entries in the Technology category from March 2006.

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