Technology: April 2007 Archives

This is an interesting use of YouTube. Service Employees International Union Local 32BJ is trying to organize security workers at Chase buildings. They have posted a video on YouTube claiming to have found client records in the trash of several bank branches in the city.

Via Crain's New York.

That's the description of the sound my MacBook Pro was making on the Tekserve check-in ticket. I was trying to be ergonomic, setting the computer on a riser so its screen is at the same height as my LCD. Then it slid off, landing on the (carpeted floor). I'm also behind on a couple of client deadlines, so if you email me and I don't get back to you quickly, that's why. I'm doing my work on a -- shudder -- PC right now.

Coincidence: I know the artist who did the check-in at Tekserve. I didn't even know he worked there.

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