Video: August 2007 Archives

Larry Bamburg, Untitled Variable, 2007
Ceiling fans, plexiglass, monofiliament, masking tape, wire, fishing line, plastic beads, rubber bands, metal clamps, screw driver, wood, lead, band aid, and cricket

This is one of several great pieces in Stubborn Materials at Peter Blum. It's up for 2 more hours on 29th Street. Go!

Related: A post on a show at Esso Gallery that included his work in 2006

[note to people reading this via the feed: there are 2 videos in this post]


I like the cube floating in an asteroid belt look, and the math rock meets vocal distortion music. The drummer, John Stanier was part of Helmet. Why is the quality of this so good? I guess record labels have a better "in" on not having their videos badly compressed by YouTube. Via Scott Heim.

This page is an archive of entries in the Video category from August 2007.

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