Krazy for Keithers

Andy organized a get-together last night in honor of Keith visit from L.A. Also representing the left coast was the adorable Jessie. There were lots of attractive and smart boys there -- no girls at all even though some were invited.

I finally got a chance to talk with Dan. He's a charming and smart guy -- we talked about everything from ex-pat job opportunities in Europe to Benjamin Britten. Note to Dan: we should get together and listen to some CDs. I also listened to a discussion of font-geekitude between him and Chad.

The always squeezable Dan'l introduced me to a cool guy named John who runs the Streetwork project of Safe Horizon. The group was the beneficiary of Dan'l's recent blogathon. John just happened to be there to meet a friend, and isn't one of the blog-children, at least not yet. We talked for quite a while. He's sexy and reminds me of a classical musician I once met in South Beach at Warsaw. Top that boys! No circuit queens for me.

I also ran into Trick/Patrick of Morplay. I met him once before through Joe Ovelman, so we talked about Joe's art for a while. I'm a huge fan, and I think James and I are among Joe's most enthusiastic collectors. There is a Nerve gallery of Joe's work that's worth the hassle of registering.

Who else was there? I said hello to Sam and Scott, but we didn't really talk. I met Brian, who was wearing a t-shirt reminiscent of the playing-with-logo works of Daniel Pflumm.

James has a few photos on his site of the evening.

About this Entry

Published on September 2, 2002 9:00 PM.

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