Terrorism insurance before health insurance

Where are our priorities? I just read this letter in the NY Times.

Re "The Forgotten Domestic Crisis," by Marcia Angell (Op-Ed, Oct. 13): In addition to placing health care increasingly out of the economic reach of individuals and businesses, our commodity approach guarantees that the pool of insurable individuals will continue to shrink, thereby undermining the very essence of affordable insurance.

Insurance works because a lot of people pay premiums and not everyone uses services. The more healthy people insured, the stronger the system. A single-payer, broadly financed health insurance system is hardly socialism; it is the only way health care can become universally accessible and even remotely cost-effective.

San Francisco, Oct. 15, 2002

My first reaction was that we're going to have national terrorism insurance before we have national health insurance!

About this Entry

Published on October 19, 2002 12:34 PM.

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