Bastille Day

Work stuff, plus German class twice per week is killing my schedule. That's why I haven't had time to post about our lovely Bastille Day evening at Florent with Glenn and (as we all refer to him) Chris From Texas.

I left my class early on Monday, making sure everyone realized I was leaving to celebrate Bastille Day (festen Bastille Tag) and hopped in a cab. I had a very cool cabdriver name Khalid, who had one of the longer cabs, good air conditioning, was listening to WBAI, offered me one of his apples, and found Gansevoort without me having to give any directions.

We all sat outside for hours and drank lots of red and sparking wine. It was a bit more low-key than some years, and they didn't close off Gansevoort as they sometimes do. The burlesque performer below is Dirty Martini, whom I've seen a number of times, including at a contemporary music concert on Valentine's Day. If Chris of Uffish were a stripper, this would be her. She is quite fabulous, and the the first burlesque performer to appear in Sarajevo as soon as the peace accord was signed.

Yes, that is Betsey Johnson in the yellow hat in the back of the Dirty Martini pictures.



Dirty Martini

Dirty Martini

What do you mean, "if" I were a stripper?

You're right. I should have said:

If Dirty Martini were a blogger, she would be Chris.

About this Entry

Published on July 17, 2003 12:18 PM.

previous entry: Rationing healthcare

next entry: Report from Palestine



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