Oh, now I feel better

I've had it with Bloomberg. He no longer deserves the benefit of the doubt.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg says President George W. Bush shouldn't be blamed if the Environmental Protection Agency downplayed the seriousness of airborne pollution after the Sept. 11 attacks.

The report, by the agency's inspector general, concludes that the White House influenced the EPA to minimize air-quality concerns. "I know the president and I think he's a very honest guy," Bloomberg said before Sunday's Pakistani Independence Day parade. "It would never occur to me not to trust him."

Yeah, Bush is not very honest.

Oh, OK...so the administration under the current President is to blame but not the President himself? Is that like not putting a mentally challenged person to death when they kill someone because they don't know any better? Oy vey.

About this Entry

Published on August 25, 2003 12:56 AM.

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next entry: Another U.N. loss in Baghdad



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