Fox News - Arm of the GOP

We all knew the 30-hour Senate debate was just show biz, but we hadn't realized quite how much.

Via The Hill:

The 30-hour debate on President Bush's judicial nominees began on a testy note Wednesday night.

After Republicans walked into the Senate chamber together to begin the extraordinary session, Democrats argued that their move was not a show of unity but rather a television stunt orchestrated for Fox News. They pointed to a memo from Manuel Miranda, a staffer for Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), which said:

"It is important to double efforts to get your boss to S-230 on time ... Fox News Channel is really excited about this marathon and Brit Hume at 6 would love to open with all our 51 senators walking onto the floor -- the producer wants to know will we walk in exactly at 6:02 when the show starts so they get it live to open Brit Hume's show? Or if not, can we give them an exact time for the walk-in start?"

Democrats had unsuccessfully attempted to delay the debate until 8 p.m. to allow the Senate to first complete its work on the VA/HUD appropriations bill.

Democrats have confirmed 168 of the president's judicial nominees since 2001 and have only blocked four. Republicans blocked 63 of former Democratic President Bill Clinton's nominees, denying many of them even a confirmation hearing while in the majority.

About this Entry

Published on November 13, 2003 3:17 PM.

previous entry: GOP Love Boat

next entry: Barefoot and pregnant



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