9/11 Chair: Attack Was Preventable

Spread the word. I'm concerned that Thomas Kean, the Bush-chosen head of the 9/11 commission, can say these things and only one major network (CBS) has mentioned it so far.

For the first time, the chairman of the independent commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks is saying publicly that 9/11 could have and should have been prevented, reports CBS News Correspondent Randall Pinkston.

"This is a very, very important part of history and we've got to tell it right," said Thomas Kean.

"As you read the report, you're going to have a pretty clear idea what wasn't done and what should have been done," he said. "This was not something that had to happen."

Appointed by the Bush administration, Kean, a former Republican governor of New Jersey, is now pointing fingers inside the administration and laying blame.

"There are people that, if I was doing the job, would certainly not be in the position they were in at that time because they failed. They simply failed," Kean said.


Asked whether we should at least know if people sitting in the decision-making spots on that critical day are still in those positions, Kean said, "Yes, the answer is yes. And we will."

Kean promises major revelations in public testimony beginning next month from top officials in the FBI, CIA, Defense Department, National Security Agency and, maybe, President Bush and former President Clinton.


Plus, a couple of statistics:

Amount spent on Whitewater investigation: $100 million
Amount spent on 9/11 investigation to date: $3 million

About this Entry

Published on December 18, 2003 10:39 AM.

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