Art burn-out

Yes, I have been to both Scope and The Armory Show, this weekend (one day for Scope, two for Armory).

At the moment I'm too exhausted for a blog post, other than saying that I was really impressed by the quality of the San Francisco and Los Angeles galleries I encountered at both fairs. The SF galleries were also much braver about showing political art dealing with the War on Terror and 9/11 than most NYC galleries (except for a few like Barbara Gladstone, the only blue chip NYC gallery to do such a thing with its Thomas Hirschhorn installation).

What was with the food at The Armory Show? It wasn't so bad last year, and this year it was horrible, expensive, and accompanied by enough tables to seat about 5% of the people getting food at any one time. Also, BUY SOME DAMN BENCHES FOR THE ATTENDEES.

One more thought: No one came up to me to tell me how much they loved my weblog, which cannot be said about James.

About this Entry

Published on March 14, 2004 9:09 PM.

previous entry: Rarely is the question asked: Is our children going hungry?

next entry: Spain's response to terrorism



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