Tyler Green on the WWII Memorial

An oblong $175 million plaza, flanked by two 43-foot-tall arched gates and 56 granite columns, each holding a pair of bronze wreaths, surrounding an oval reflecting pool with fountains, it is the strangest, ugliest major memorial in Washington.

The new monument feels as if a Fascist architect had designed a food court for the Mall of America, and then accidentally shipped it to Washington, where it was installed on a 7.4-acre plot located on the National Mall between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial.

on artnet.com.

I've already posted my own (brief) comment on the thing.

You are obviously an unpatriotic, liberal piece of shit. I hope you burn in hell hippy.

Jamie, I did not say that the veterans do not deserve a memorial. I do not consider it an attack on veterans to say that this memorial has a horrible design. How does it honor them to have the worst memorial on The Mall?

It's not patriotic to honor people with kitsch.

About this Entry

Published on May 18, 2004 8:56 PM.

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