Via one of my newest daily reads, ionarts, I just learned of a new collaborative art and culture blog called ArtsBlogging. One of the contributors is the harpist Helen Radice. I nearly spit my coffee out onto my computer when I read this on her personal weblog:
... I would like to read a good book about Wagner and the Third Reich.Could anybody recommend one? There are so many I am rather at a loss, although the one entitled Penetrating Wagner's Ring made me laugh so hard I had to leave Borders.
You've got to be careful with computers and coffee. I killed my last laptop with an americano. Although not because I was laughing childishly at rude-sounding titles in the music bookshop. Just butterfingers...
Still I got a great new laptop on insurance, much better than the old, with a DVD player, so I'm not sure this is really a cautionary tale :)
Butterfingers?! But you're a harpist!