Reverend Billy and the Church of the First Amendment Mob

I'm pleasantly surprised by the New York Magazine weblog's coverage of the RNC protests.

Here is their coverage of Reverend Billy's First Amendment protest at the PATH station at the WTC site. I wasn't there, but I found the description quite moving.

6:31 - Inside the station everything seems normal enough. Passengers walk the long cement floor toward the escalator. Some seem to drift, mumbling into cell phones, reciting the first amendment.


6:41 - Reverend Billy enters the station carrying a bullhorn, wearing a white collar, black shirt, a creme colored suit, and sporting an Eric Estrada haircut.

6:42 - The people on the phones grow louder. "Congress shall make no law..."


6:52 - A young couple walks arm-in-arm reciting the first amendment.

Count: Four reading from books, thirty speaking into cell phones.

6:58 - Synchonization:
Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion , or prohibiting the free excercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacably to assemble; and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Their voices fill this loaded chamber.

7:03 - Circle forms. Reverend becomes clear leader of the group. Bringing the chants to a whisper, then louder, and finally, "Really enjoy it this time!"

7:10 - The choir starts above the site. "George Bush does not return to ground zero," they sing in golden robes accompanied by a woman playing a small saxophone.

7:12 - The police approach the choir, then walk away.

7:15 - The Reverend speaks. "Take the first amendment anywhere. Take it on the subway. Remember the first amendment is a prayer. Send it to our friends in Rikers. Give them strength."

About this Entry

Published on August 31, 2004 11:48 PM.

previous entry: Police presence even on lower 9th Avenue

next entry: Speaking of the First Amendment...



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