On Peter Hort, a clarification

I should clarify a few things regarding my post yesterday about Peter Hort's campain for Congress.

  1. I do not have a problem with anyone running against Jerrold Nadler. I would love to have a ballot with many possible candidates for each position when I vote.
  2. I deplore the way the Democratic and Republican parties in New York State have created a complex election law system designed to keep qualified candidates off the ballot unless they are part of the machine. I have seen legal challenges kick many people off the ballot who deserved to be there
  3. I still have a problem with Mr. Hort's campaign literature not stating that he is a Republican. I also believe that anyone running as a Republican these days in a place like New York City needs to explain why a vote for them is not a vote to keep Dennis Hastert and Tom DeLay in power. I think it is the hurdle any Republican running for the House has to get over before they can be considered a candidate that any proponent of gay rights, abortion rights, or the health of urban centers like New York can support.

I probably should have used a kinder tone in my previous post, but I am outraged by what the GOP is doing to my city, to my country, and to the rest of the world. I fail to see how why any reasonable person is willing to begin a political career in that party.

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The words "progressive" and "convervative" do not appear on Peter Hort's web site. However, the word "progressive" is used in... Read More

Since I last wrote about Peter Hort's campaign for Congress, I also learned about an "Arts Committee for Peter Hort... Read More

Peter Hort, Stealth Republican from c u l t u r e k i t c h e n on October 27, 2004 1:02 PM

reBlogged via NEWSgrist: I've been following some troubling blog posts regarding the campaign of Peter Hort, a native New Yorker and Republican, who is running against incumbent liberal Dem Jerrold Nadler, for Congress. Please read/refer to the follow... Read More

Peter Hort, Stealth Republican from c u l t u r e k i t c h e n on October 28, 2004 11:01 AM

[Hans Haacke Star Gazing; image source] reBlogged via NEWSgrist: I've been following some troubling blog posts regarding the campaign of Peter Hort, a native New Yorker and Republican, who is running against incumbent liberal Dem Jerrold Nadler, for C... Read More

The tone of your previous post was not unkind. You presented some sensible concerns directly. The fact that the candidate did not care to answer them directly -- and took offense and your bothering to raise them -- says more about the candidate than it does about you.

I loved the previous post!!!!!!

About this Entry

Published on September 28, 2004 11:49 AM.

previous entry: Peter Hort, stealth Republican candidate for Congress

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