Election night events

I hope to be celebrating, not drowning my sorrows, on election night. I actually hope we know who the "winner" is that night, and that they don't put NYC under martial law.

I know of two lists of election night events:

  • From Joy Garnett, a list of exhibitions related to the election, which includes some election night events
  • From culturebot.org

I also know of parties at White Box, Exit Art, in Manhattan, and Four Walls Projects at Supreme Trading in Williamsburg.

Also, Not in Our Name is gathering at Union Square, 5-10.

Let me know if you hear of any others, and where you're planning to be on election night.

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A week ago I wrote that I would probably post a list of progressive spaces which are encouraging visitors to hang out next Tuesday evening, on the [first?] day of our federal election agony. I ended up contributing to... Read More

Thanks for your excellent blog, Barry.

Perhaps an obvious consideration - but while planning to participate in Tuesday eves' spectator sport, i'd urge your readers to participate in the final critical actions to impact the election outcome:


About this Entry

Published on October 29, 2004 9:50 PM.

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next entry: Joe Ovelman - this time there's a map



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