Security priorities

From the invaluable Ray Sanchez at Newsday

Since 9/11, the aviation industry has received $18.1 billion for security from the federal Department of Homeland Security, according to the Washington-based American Public Transportation Association. By contrast, mass transit has received just $250 million. Americans take public transportation 32 million times a day -- 16 times more often than they travel on domestic airlines. About 4.5 million riders use the New York subway every weekday.

Of course, the MTA is probably too incompetent to spend the money they are given. Since 9/11, they have been given $600 million in state and federal funds for security improvements. They have spent $30 million, with very little to show for it. Most has been spent on planning and consultants.

Updated: I fixed the $300 million number. It is $600 million.

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Published on July 11, 2005 3:01 PM.

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