A reason to move to Brooklyn - Parrots!


Via the indispensable Brooklyn Parrots, I found this Flickr photo stream of wild parrots in a Brooklyn backyard.

It would certainly cheer me up after the loss of Sweet Pea to see those out my window!

[photo from their Flickr images]

they were actually quite big news creating problems around Fort Lee and etc in New Jersey last year. Nice to see they are still around.

PS: I believe they actually came from Argentina in a container ship.

Thanks for the comments. There are some great looking images on your website!

Looks like Quaker parrots (monk parakeets) from south america. They're pet store refugees. We have them in Miami. I've heard that FPL has been removing their nests from power lines...despite the baby birds inside them. I hate FPL.

I realize it is a relatively unpopular opinion among the general public, but I find the parakeet presence unfortunate. As any biodiversity specialist or biologist will explain, they are an invasive species, a trophic generalist which will likely push out native species.

Of course, I'm also aware of the xenophobic tendencies of the fight against invasive/alien species, but when introduction results in a decline (extinction) of local species, you're experiencing a net loss for biodiversity. No matter how you peel that orange, it's a bad thing. Sound conservation requires making tough choices, and I feel the monk parakeet extermination programs are warranted, sad though they may be.

Great reading, keep up the great posts.
Peace, JiggaDigga

I just recently moved to Ozone Park (Queens) and these guys are always hanging outside my window sqwawking like crazy during the day...it's a nice change from the ugly pigeons...

I'm glad I saw something about this though, i really thought I was going crazy!

About this Entry

Published on January 9, 2006 6:07 PM.

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