Crazy art week begins

You can check out ArtCal for the 100+ openings we care about in the next few days, but I wanted to highlight a few things.

First, part one of our first-ever curating opens this Friday at Dam, Stuhltrager:

Susan C. Dessel, Our Backyard, A Cautionary Tale
Dam, Stuhltrager
38 Marcy Avenue
Opening: Friday, September 8, 7:00PM - 9:00PM

We also want to try to hit Christopher Reiger's show at AG Gallery that night. Based on other things I've seem out of Team Lump fron North Carolina, the Cinders Gallery show, also opening Friday, should be great.

On Thursday night in Chelsea, we may not make it to all, but I definitely want to try to hit:

It looks like you should just hit 27th Street if you can't make it to everything.

If you're in Williamsburg on Thursday night, there is an opening party for The Rider Project at Galapagos art space, 70 North 6th Street, 6-10 pm.

I know I left a huge number of things off (including DCKT, Monya Rowe, and Sixtyseven), but I'm running back to coding now, and recommend just checking out ArtCal to make your own list.

About this Entry

Published on September 6, 2006 6:46 PM.

previous entry: Ugly dog run vs. nice fountain

next entry: Hillary Clinton loves cluster bombs



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