Carrie Marill
Whooping Crane, Endangered, North America
Kokia Drynarioides, Endangered, USA
Monkey Puzzle, Threatened, South America
Baishanzu Fir, Endangered, China
Brown Pelican, Protected, USA
Eurasian Wryneck, Endangered, Eurasia
Hawaiian Crow, Extinct in Wild, USA
Whiskered Tern, Threatened, Europe
Arizona Leather Flower, Threatened, USA, 2007
Gouache on paper
30 × 22 inches
If you're reading this right now in Los Angeles, you can head on over to Carrie Marill's show opening tonight at sixspace. Caryn Coleman of sixpace was cool and together enough to be IMing with me right before the opening, and sent me a link to some images. Having just watched a PBS show about John James Audobon, I was particularly struck by these beautiful images of "gouache-on-paper paintings depicting threatened or endangered flora and fauna existing in an imaginary world."
I was not surprised to see Walton Ford interviewed on the TV show about Audobon.