Libby Hartle at Pocket Utopia


Libby Hartle
Nest, 2008
cast paper

The show closed yesterday, but I wanted to put up an image and provide a link to a few more photos I took. The nest above was made through a rather laborious process of turning found paper and collage detritus into castable paper pulp. That pulp was then used in molds made from real twigs. My crooked photo of some of the process documentation is below.


the nest looks quite lovely...but why document the process? Is there a meaning to that?

Hello, Hrag. Part of what happens at Pocket Utopia is that they have an artist in residence. This is the first solo show by such an artist, so it seems appropriate that there is more of a discussion of process and where the materials came from. The non collage scraps were found on the streets of the neighborhood.

About this Entry

Published on April 28, 2008 12:33 PM.

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