A modest proposal


Mary Heilmann
The First Vent, 1972
acrylic with bronze powder on canvas
20" × 32"

I love Elizabeth Peyton and Mary Heilmann as much as anyone, but don't those seem rather un-new-ish choices for big shows at an institution called The New Museum? Perhaps some arrangement could be made to send those to MoMA in place of their upcoming MirĂ³ and Van Gogh shows?

Meanwhile, a 20-year survey of the work of Lyle Ashton Harris is only going to appear in Scottsdale, AZ, and Buffalo, NY. Is there really no room at any New York area institution for such an exhibition?

And why does Lyle's website just have a flash slide show and no other information on the artist?

[photo by James Wagner]

About this Entry

Published on September 3, 2008 12:53 PM.

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