ArtCal is dead. Long live ArtCat!


When I first started ArtCal in 2004, ArtCat web hosting for artists already existed. The latter doesn't stand for anything, but ArtCal was suggested by a friend as short for "Art Calendar."

Given the fact that I have trademarked ArtCat, and I own the .com for it, I always meant to consolidate everything -- artist and gallery web hosting, the calendar, and the zine, into one brand with interlinked sites, and now I have! As part of a redesign for the new Culture Pundits advertising format, I worked with the brilliant artist and designer Michael Mandiberg to come up with a new look.

We are still tweaking the design, but go check it out. I'm quite happy with it.

[Watch for changes to this blog and James's as well in the next 24 hours.]

About this Entry

Published on March 2, 2009 1:32 PM.

previous entry: Linkage for 03/01/2009

next entry: Linkage for 03/02/2009



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