Art: February 2009 Archives

ben jones dog at deitch

Kay Nine installation view at Deitch Proejcts

This is an installation shot from Ben Jones's current show at Deitch Projects, titled "The New Dark Age." As someone who has followed Ben's work (via Paper Rad and solo projects) for years, I had to note that Kay Nine has gone from being fabricated from painted wood to now being made of marble and brass! A good reflection of our current times. Here is a photo of mine (and related post) from his 2005 show at Foxy Production:

ben jones kaynine

Kay Nine's Lament, 2005
DVD, Commodore 64, and sculpture

I also really love his ladders:


My apologies for holding my camera a bit crookedly. I'm no James Kalm.

Vlatka Horvat, Birds Shelf, 2009
Modified wood table top, 13 photo-sensitive bird figurines

You can see her show, along with Sarah Greenberg Rafferty's at The Kitchen through March 7.

Richard Oliver Wilson installation

Currently running at Jack the Pelican Presents through February 9. From the press release:

Have a cup of tea, sit back on the couch and escape into the spectacular musings of the quaintly naughty Mr. Benn. The timely anachronism of Richard Wilson's mechanistic renderings of super-tech ideas points to Britain in an era when unassuming people lived in modest circumstances. ...It's a remarkably different world than our own. ...Or is it?

Visit Wikipedia for more on Mr. Benn.

This page is an archive of entries in the Art category from February 2009.

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