Thanks to Paige West, our collectors interview on Mixed Greens is on their website again.
Culture: March 2004 Archives
The day after tomorrow will be another Friday night in Williamsburg for us.
To see:
Peter Hendrick at Schroeder Romero, 6-9
Icelandic Love Corporation at Jack the Pelican Presents, 7-9 -- I wonder if a certain Icelandic singer will attend?
Jennifer Nuss at Monya Rowe, 7-9
Heraldic Pomp Exhibition Opening for the Repellant Zine Festival at Brooklyn Fireproof, 6-11
Craig Hein at *sixtyseven, 7-10
Saint Sebastian Carhood, 2004
Enamel on Carhood, 55 x 63 inches
We're big fans of Carlos de Villasante's work, as you can see from my various blog posts.
He has a solo show at Heriard-Cimino Gallery in New Orleans at the moment. When we visited New Orleans a few years ago, the gallery was one of our first stops because the fabulous director, Jeanne Cimino, is a friend of Margaret Evangeline.
Closer to home, we'll be headed out to Williamsburg on Friday for the Williamsburg Gallery Association's Third Friday event. All galleries will be open until 9pm. It will give you a chance to see a few things I recommend. Several of these are opening that night:
Suzanne Wright at Monya Rowe - extended through March 21
Reed Anderson at Pierogi 2000
Christopher Johnson at Plus Ultra
Josh Stern at Parker's Box
The always fun Brooklyn Fire Proof should be the place to end up, with their Fashion Social.
Of course, this whole schedule may change drastically when we find out more details on Cory Arcangel's performance at the Whitney on Friday night.
Yes, I have been to both Scope and The Armory Show, this weekend (one day for Scope, two for Armory).
At the moment I'm too exhausted for a blog post, other than saying that I was really impressed by the quality of the San Francisco and Los Angeles galleries I encountered at both fairs. The SF galleries were also much braver about showing political art dealing with the War on Terror and 9/11 than most NYC galleries (except for a few like Barbara Gladstone, the only blue chip NYC gallery to do such a thing with its Thomas Hirschhorn installation).
What was with the food at The Armory Show? It wasn't so bad last year, and this year it was horrible, expensive, and accompanied by enough tables to seat about 5% of the people getting food at any one time. Also, BUY SOME DAMN BENCHES FOR THE ATTENDEES.
One more thought: No one came up to me to tell me how much they loved my weblog, which cannot be said about James.
Of course we'll be there, and I welcome any of my readers to join us. The Civilians are one of my three favorite theatre companies in NYC. The other two are Target Margin and The Wooster Group.
It's $60 for the whole thing, or $20 for just the after party.
GRAND HARMONIOUS VAUDEVILLE Friday, April 16th, 8pm Ticket price includes a buffet of Chinese appetizers. Complimentary vodka and tequila cocktails courtesy of Grey Goose and Corazón. Cash bar for other drinks.Grand Harmony Restaurant
98 Mott Street (Chinatown, between Canal and Hester)Featuring
Performances of never-before-seen texts by Civilians Advisors John Guare and Charles L. Mee, Jr.New renditions of Civilians songs including selections from our upcoming show Nobodys Lunch.
Tony-Winner Karen Ziemba (Never Gonna Dance, Contact)
Bayne Gibby (HBO's Out on the Edge)
Mo Rocca (Comedy Centrals The Daily Show)
and more to be announced soon.GRAND HARMONIOUS AFTERPARTY
10pm Midnight
with dancing and music by DJ Kozmik
Here is the link to the benefit page, including how to get tickets.
I have written about The Civilians quite a bit. If you want to hear what some of their songs sound like, I have some MP3s here.

I Miss You Already, 2004
Tracey Baran
Tracey Baran at Leslie Tonkonow. We have several works by Tracey. We have followed her work since we first bought two photos from Liebman Magnan at the Gramercy Art Fair, before she had even had a show.
Ester Partegas at Foxy Production. She was in the show "Soft Cell" at Foxy which I mention often.
Ugh. We saw Nicky Silver's Beautiful Child at Vineyard Theatre last night.
I hated it so much I don't even want to talk about it. If I hadn't been on the second row I might have walked out.
I was actually angry when I left the theatre. It's bad enough to see a mess of a play that's a comedy, but to see an awful play about a child molester is just too much. If I had been The Vineyard, I would have told Nicky, "we're not producing this one." It was like bad dinner theatre Albee.
I wonder what Rex Reed thought? He was in the audience.