Culture: August 2007 Archives

Flora Wiegman performance

This is going on until 6pm today at Elizabeth Dee Gallery, so you have about half an hour to run over there. Sorry for the late notice. Flickr issues delayed me, and the darned slideshow still doesn't work or I would post that.

Check out the whole set on Flickr. That is gallery director Jennie Moore in the background in the overalls. She's no Prada-wearing diva gallery director! She gets her hands dirty.

As we move into the middle of August and Chelsea starts shutting down for the month, there are still some interesting things happening, especially related to performance. There are 2 events tomorrow I recommend:

  • 4pm: A walk-thru of the exhibition with private dealer Betsey Geffen, aka Charley Friedman as part of Ceci n'est pas... (This is not...) at Sara Meltzer Gallery
  • All day: "An improvisational dance performance by Felicia Ballos and Flora Wiegman. Staged in the midst of demolishing the exhibition format of Part One and constructing the setting for Part Two, the performance takes inspiration from the actions performed by the gallery workers, with each dancer creating her movements in response. " This is part of Carte Blanche at Elizabeth Dee Gallery.

This page is an archive of entries in the Culture category from August 2007.

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