General: July 2005 Archives

It was too crowded to see the main room (Jen Bekman concurs) at the show Thursday night, so I took a couple of photos of the floor in the smaller project space. I suspect most images of the show will focus on the main room and the walls, so this is a reminder to look down when you visit.



Note to hipsters with cell phones: If you can't navigate a crowded gallery and talk on the phone at the same time, go outside. And leave large dogs at home. They don't seem to appreciate packed openings.

While you're on Jen's blog, check out this Frank Gehry post too.

The people on Mitchum's PR team are idiots. This morning I heard the news of the London attacks when I woke up. While riding the subway to Soho tonight, I saw this:


One would think someone would have thought of the Madrid attacks, and what happened to the stupid MTA ad censors that have previously prevented such things as safe sex ads on the subway? I would think the suburban guys that are at the top would find this... problematic.

This page is an archive of entries in the General category from July 2005.

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