Postcard: August 2006 Archives

Adam McEwan at Anton Kern

plus a self-portrait

Penguins! I spotted his work in the War and Nature show at Virgil de Voldere Gallery.


Vague Rouge et Pinguoin, 2006
Ink on wood
19.75 × 15.75 inches


Vague Jaune et Pinguoin, 2006
Ink on wood
19.75 × 15.75 inches

The images are courtesy of Virgil de Voldere Gallery.

I love the way this Brazilian artist added his street art to the gallery walls. I expected to visit a conventional photography show, and was greeting with this:

Alexandre Orion at Foley Gallery

Two more, inside the gallery:

Alexandre Orion at Foley Gallery

Alexandre Orion at Foley Gallery

The show is up for one more week.

This page is an archive of entries in the Postcard category from August 2006.

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