Postcard: November 2006 Archives


untitled (pirate), 2006, #2 and colored pencil


untitled (fleece), 2006, #2 and colored pencil studies

I liked the drawings and sculpture/installation work I saw by David Lukowski last weekend at the open studios. Check out his website for more images.

[images from his website]

Emily Noelle Lambert, untitled

Emily Noelle Lambert, untitled, 2006
ink, collage, pencil, thread, drawing and collage
72 × 52 inches

We're fans already, but I have to say Emily's work really stood out at the Hunter MFA open studios last weekend. I love the ambition of the new large acrylic paintings, as well as the new direction represented by this mix of drawing, collage and sculpture pictured above.


Detail of

Ming Fay
Glass Mosaic
Fabricated by Franz Meyer of Munich

This is located in the subway station at Delancey Street.

Xylor Jane at Canada

Go see her amazing show of mathematical algorithmic obsessive paintings. It's the first time she has made paintings. This is the final weekend.

This page is an archive of entries in the Postcard category from November 2006.

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