Postcard: March 2007 Archives

Charles LaBelle, "Driftworks: Marseille" 2004

Charles LaBelle, Driftworks: Marseille (detail), 2004


This artist's work was a new discovery for us at the LMCC Redheard Gallery's show, Imagined Worlds. The artist creates these works, described as "compound photographs" by cutting out pieces from proof sheets to compose a new work. They're hard to photograph, but I hope this detail gives an idea of the piece. Good stuff.

Angela Dufresne at Monya Rowe

Angela Dufresne, Kasper Hauser, 2007, oil on canvas, 30 by 45 inches


There are a lot of beautiful film-inspired paintings in Angela Dufresne's latest solo show at Monya Rowe.

This page is an archive of entries in the Postcard category from March 2007.

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