Queer: October 2002 Archives

The Guardian has an article on two small town policemen, a gay couple, in South Africa.

Beautiful, beautiful post about queerness, Gus Van Sant, Michael Chabon, etc.

Probably many people have heard of his murder, but know little else. Gay City News has a good history of the murder and the political changes that followed.

Bay Windows has a great article on the only out gay man in the NY Fire Department -- Tom Ryan.

Earlier, in an interview, Ryan, who turns 43 in early November, said that in the last year he found out that 25 closeted firefighters died in the World Trade Center. When Bay Windows spoke to him a week after the terrorist attack, he reported that to his knowledge none had-at least ones that were open about their sexuality. "There also were gay firefighters in the buildings who survived and still are afraid to come out," he said. "I find that incredible. How could you fear anything after going through that?"

I went to see Andy's show Potty Mouth last night (or is it early this morning). As we waited outside to be let in, there was an adorable little dark-haired kid playing on the sidewalk. When some air-conditioner condensation -- I hope that's what it was -- started pouring off the awning above our heads, he jumped into it and got all wet. He then proceeded to try to embrace all of the gay guys in line. A future performance artist is born!

It was GREAT. I had seen part of it "in process" at Dixon Place, but that was months ago, and I think it has really come together into a fabulous raunchy, moving, hilarious piece of one-man theater. It runs through October 25. Go!

I am still so jet-lagged. I got my second wind around 2am, and went with some of my fellow bloggers/audience members to Lolita. I liked the vibe of the place -- low key (and cute) bartenders, and a crowd that was about half straight and half gay. Not enough places pull that off successfully in NYC, even on the Lower East Side. There were gorgeous photographs of the abandoned buildings at Ellis Island in the back. The even had Brooklyn Weisse on tap!

Do I have to list all of the bloggers that were there and link to them here? I'm tired. The one person I hadn't met before, at least not in "the real world", was Mark. At one point, when Andy talked about gay men with cats, we both groaned simultaneously -- getting a reaction from our performer.

For those that missed it, e.g. Glenn and Sparky, James was sick and didn't make it either. We might go see it on October 18 at 10pm if anyone wants to join us.

I'm adding David Ehernstein to my blogs in the right column. Check out HIV or SUV, and Loose Cannons.

This page is an archive of entries in the Queer category from October 2002.

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